Telstra mobile app (UI)

I delivered visual design for Account Contacts, a feature that lets users manage access permissions.

📱 Native app iOS + Android

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Jason Wall (VD), James Bradfield (UX), Nick Cox (Design System).


Let account owners manage permissions, so contacts can access their services.


Completed over one month in 2019.


Sydney, Australia.


I helped my team take this feature from idea to reality. Previously, it wasn't available digitally and customers had to call support. My UX partner conducted workshops and testing, which revealed that users needed better visibility and control of their account contacts to manage their security and privacy.



After my colleague had validated the initial concepts, I explored how account contacts were displayed, how the interface indicated their authority levels and how they saw alerts when contacts reached expiry. I also considered how the team could implement patterns for removing and authorising contacts.



Throughout the design process, I sought feedback from peers in several critique sparring sessions. The team was developing a new design system while building a new app, so there was much emphasis on styling and using new components.



After I shared the designs with my teammates, I identified an essential piece of feedback around broader use-cases for the proposed lozenge component. Following this, I then collaborated with other designers to provide contextual information to the lead designer to fully explore and make it available as a system component.


Finished Designs

I completed designs for the initial feature release, using the new design system patterns that were available. I complimented this with native interactions where they were appropriate, such as dialogs for critical actions. I also detailed annotations to indicate spacings and component specifications for the build and quality assurance.


Future Enhancements

Due to security reasons, we weren't able to provide customers with the ability to change authority level in the first release. My team's agile solution was to offer users the ability to start a chat with a support agent instead. The future vision is to introduce multi-factor authentication (MFA) to allow customers to do this seamlessly in-app.



Telstra mobile app (UX)


Boost mobile app (UX)